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Trading performance: Join community
Discord:Trading performance: Join community
Discord:I’ve been trading real money since 1999.
Seen my account grow 10X.
And as fate would have it, I have also seen what 99 percent loss looks like. Many years would pass before I accept this “blow up“ concept. (To be a consistently profitable trader, you must understand risk management so well to always protect the trading account — more essentially, to protect your dreams. Something I’ve only learned recently.)
That wasn’t the only time though. I blew up many times. Complete waste of money.
The earlier blow ups were the worst because I didn’t believe I made any mistakes; that the market was simply wrong.
in actual fact the market is always right. The price of stocks, commodities and currencies unfailingly reflects the current reality. You can never take out any profit from the market and say, “Hey, my profit is actually higher than this.“
Traders and investors are in the truth business. And that means accepting the reality of price and dealing only with that.
Essential lesson: Believing that the market is wrong is a beginner’s mistake. Avoid that.